

Accessibility for Whom? Perceptions of Mobility Barriers Across Disability Groups and Implications for Designing Personalized Maps

Chu Li, Rock Pang, Delphine Labbé, Yochai Eisenberg, Maryam Hosseini, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2025 To Appear


RAIS: Towards A Robotic Mapping and Assessment Tool for Indoor Accessibility Using Commodity Hardware

Xia Su, Daniel Campos Zamora, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 66.7% (58 / 87)

Towards Rapid Fabrication of Custom Tactile Surface Indicators for Indoor Navigation

Daniel Campos Zamora, Liang He, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 66.7% (58 / 87)

Towards Fine-Grained Sidewalk Accessibility Assessment with Deep Learning: Initial Benchmarks and an Open Dataset

Alex Liu, Kevin Wu, Minchu Kulkarni, Mikey Saugstad, Peyton Rapo, Jeremy Freiburger, Maryam Hosseini, Chu Li, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 66.7% (58 / 87)

Engaging with Children’s Artwork in Mixed Visual-Ability Families

Arnavi Chheda-Kothary, Jacob Wobbrock, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 30.0% (67 / 223) | Best Paper Award

Making Urban Art Accessible: Current Art Access Techniques, Design Considerations, and the Role of AI

Lucy Jiang, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

UrbanAccess 2024

The Future of Urban Accessibility: The Role of AI

Jon E. Froehlich, Chu Li, Maryam Hosseini, Fabio Miranda, Andres Sevtsuk, Yochai Eisenberg

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2024

MobiPrint: A Mobile 3D Printer for Environment-Scale Design and Fabrication

Daniel Campos Zamora, Liang He, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of UIST 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 24.0% (146 / 608)

Embodied AR Language Learning Through Everyday Object Interactions: A Demonstration of EARLL

Jaewook Lee, Sieun Kim, Minji Park, Catherine Rasgaitis, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UIST 2024

SonifyAR: Context-Aware Sound Generation in Augmented Reality

Xia Su, Jon E. Froehlich, Eunyee Koh, Chang Xiao

Proceedings of UIST 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 24.0% (146 / 608)

CookAR: Affordance Augmentations in Wearable AR to Support Kitchen Tool Interactions for People with Low Vision

Jaewook Lee, Andrew D. Tjahjadi, Jiho Kim, Junpu Yu, Minji Park, Jon E. Froehlich, Yapeng Tian, Yuhang Zhao

Proceedings of UIST 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 24.0% (146 / 608) | Best Paper Award

AltGeoViz: Facilitating Accessible Geovisualization

Chu Li, Rock Pang, Ather Sharif, Arnavi Chheda-Kothary, Jeffrey Heer, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of IEEE VIS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 31.9% (66 / 207)

A Demo of DIAM: Drone-based Indoor Accessibility Mapping

Xia Su, Ruiqi Chen, Richard Weiye Zhang, Jingwei Ma, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UIST 2024

SonifyAR: Context-Aware Sound Effect Generation in Augmented Reality

Xia Su, Eunyee Koh, Chang Xiao

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 33.9% (391 / 1154)

“I never realized sidewalks were a big deal”: A Case Study of a Community-Driven Sidewalk Audit Using Project Sidewalk

Chu Li, Katrina Ma, Mikey Saugstad, Kie Fujii, Molly Delany, Yochai Eisenberg, Delphine Labbé, Judy L. Shanley, Devon Snyder, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

Playing on Hard Mode: Accessibility, Difficulty, and Joy in Video Game Adoption for Gamers with Disabilities

Jesse Martinez, Jon E. Froehlich, James Fogarty

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

GazePointAR: A Context-Aware Multimodal Voice Assistant for Pronoun Disambiguation in Wearable Augmented Reality

Jaewook Lee, Jun Wang, Elizabeth Brown, Liam Gene Ping Chu, Sebastian S. Rodriguez, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

“Caption It in an Accessible Way That Is Also Enjoyable”: Characterizing User-Driven Captioning Practices on TikTok

Emma McDonnell, Tessa Eagle, Pitch Sinlapanuntakul, Soo Hyun Moon, Kathryn Ringland, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

RASSAR: Room Accessibility and Safety Scanning in Augmented Reality

Xia Su, Han Zhang, Kaiming Cheng, Jaewook Lee, Qiaochu (Steve) Liu, Wyatt Olson, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

MoiréWidgets: High-Precision, Passive Tangible Interfaces via Moiré Effect

Daniel Campos Zamora, Mustafa Doga Dogan, Alexa Siu, Eunyee Koh, Chang Xiao

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

At the Intersection of Disability Justice, Pedestrian Safety, and Health

Yochai Eisenberg, Judy L. Shanley, Anna Zivarts, Brent Chamberlain, Keith Christensen, Minoo Abrishami, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of TRB 2024


Towards Real-time Computer Vision and Augmented Reality to Support Low Vision Sports: A Demonstration of ARTennis

Jaewook Lee, Devesh Sarda, Eujean Lee, Amy S. Lee, Jun Wang, Adrian Rodriguez, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UIST 2023

BusStopCV: A Real-time AI Assistant for Labeling Bus Stop Accessibility Features in Streetscape Imagery

Minchu Kulkarni, Chu Li, Jaye Ahn, Katrina Ma, Zhihan Zhang, Mikey Saugstad, Yochai Eisenberg, Valerie Novack, Brent Chamberlain, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2023 | Acceptance Rate: 51.9% (40 / 77)

A Demonstration of RASSAR: Room Accessibility and Safety Scanning in Augmented Reality

Xia Su, Kaiming Cheng, Han Zhang, Jaewook Lee, Wyatt Olson, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2023 | Acceptance Rate: 51.9% (40 / 77)

Off to the Park: A Geospatial Investigation of Adapted Ride-on Car Usage

Mia E. Hoffman, Katherine M. Steele, Jon E. Froehlich, Kyle N. Winfree, Heather Feldner

Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 2023

Implementing a Community-Based Virtual Tool To Characterize Sidewalk Accessibility in a Northern New Jersey (NJ) Town

Kie Fujii, Katrina Ma, Chu Li, Mikey Saugstad, Lisa Stolarz, Michael Starr, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASCIP 2023 Annual Meeting 2023

Implementing a Community-Based Virtual Tool To Characterize Sidewalk Accessibility in a Northern New Jersey (NJ) Town

Kie Fujii, Katrina Ma, Chu Li, Mikey Saugstad, Michael Starr, Lisa Stolarz, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CMSC 2023 Annual Meeting 2023


Kinergy: Creating 3D Printable Motion using Embedded Kinetic Energy

Liang He, Xia Su, Huaishu Peng, Jeffrey I. Lipton, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of UIST 2022 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (98 / 372)

Towards Semi-automatic Detection and Localization of Indoor Accessibility Issues using Mobile Depth Scanning and Computer Vision

Xia Su, Kaiming Cheng, Han Zhang, Jaewook Lee, Yueqian Zhang, Jon E. Froehlich

UrbanAccess 2022

Participatory Design of Crowd+AI Tools to Map, Analyze, and Visualize Sidewalk Accessibility

Yochai Eisenberg, Delphine Labbé, Sierra Berquist, Judy L. Shanley, Joy Hammel, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of TRANSED 2022

Designing Interactive Data-Driven Tools for Understanding Urban Accessibility at Scale

Manaswi Saha

UW CS PhD Dissertation 2022

Sound Sensing and Feedback Techniques for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People

Dhruv Jain

UW CS PhD Dissertation 2022

Towards Global-Scale Crowd+AI Techniques to Map and Assess Sidewalks for People with Disabilities

Maryam Hosseini, Mikey Saugstad, Fabio Miranda, Andres Sevtsuk, Cláudio T. Silva, Jon E. Froehlich

CVPR2022 Workshop: Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy (AVA) 2022

Fabricating Kinetic Objects with 3D Printable Spring-Based Mechanisms for Interactivity

Liang He

UW CS PhD Dissertation 2022

SoundWatch: deep learning for sound accessibility on smartwatches

Dhruv Jain, Hung Ngo, Pratyush Patel, Steven Goodman, Khoa Nguyen, Rachel Grossman-Kahn, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

CACM 2022

SIG: Towards More Personal Health Sensing

Junyi Zhu, Liang He, Jun Nishida, Hamid Ghaednia, Hsin-Liu Kao, Jon E. Froehlich, Edward Wang, Stefanie Mueller

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI 2022

ProtoSound: A Personalized and Scalable Sound Recognition System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Khoa Nguyen, Steven Goodman, Rachel Grossman-Kahn, Hung Ngo, Aditya Kusupati, Ruofei Du, Alex Olwal, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2022 | Acceptance Rate: 404.9% (2579 / 637)


Social, Environmental, and Technical: Factors at Play in the Current Use and Future Design of Small-Group Captioning

Emma McDonnell, Ping Liu, Steven Goodman, Raja Kushalnagar, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

PACM HCI 2021 | Honorable Mention

Experimental Crowd+AI Approaches to Track Accessibility Features in Sidewalk Intersections Over Time

Ather Sharif, Paari Gopal, Mikey Saugstad, Shiven Bhatt, Raymond Fok, Galen Weld, Kavi Dey, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 61.8% (55 / 89)

A Preliminary Analysis of Android Educational Game Accessibility

Jesse Martinez, James Fogarty, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 61.8% (55 / 89)

Sidewalk Gallery: An Interactive, Filterable Image Gallery of Over 500,000 Sidewalk Accessibility Problems

Michael Duan, Aroosh Kumar, Mikey Saugstad, Aileen Zeng, Ilia Savin, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 61.8% (55 / 89) | Best Artifact Runner-up Award

A Taxonomy of Sounds in Virtual Reality

Dhruv Jain, Sasa Junuzovic, Swetha Machanavajhala, Meredith Ringel Morris, Eyal Ofek, John Porter, Mike Sinclair, Chris Yoon

Proceedings of Proceeedings of DIS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.8% (153 / 571) | Best Paper Award

Pedagogical Strategies for Reflection in Project-based HCI Education with End Users

Wendy Roldan, Ziyue Li, Xin Gao, Sarah Kay Strickler, Allison Marie Hishikawa, Jon E. Froehlich, Jason Yip

Proceedings of DIS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.8% (153 / 571) | Honorable Mention

Toward User-Driven Sound Recognizer Personalization with People who are d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Steven Goodman, Ping Liu, Dhruv Jain, Emma McDonnell, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

IMWUT 2021

A bibliometric analysis of citation diversity in accessibility and HCI research

Lucy Lu Wang, Kelly Mack, Emma McDonnell, Dhruv Jain, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of CHI 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 39.0% (268 / 688)

What Do We Mean by “Accessibility Research”? A Literature Survey of Accessibility Papers in CHI and ASSETS from 1994 to 2019

Kelly Mack, Emma McDonnell, Dhruv Jain, Lucy Lu Wang, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of CHI 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (749 / 2844) | Honorable Mention

Examining Visual Semantic Understanding in Blind and Low-Vision Technology Users

Venkatesh Potluri, Tad Grindeland, Jon E. Froehlich, Jennifer Mankoff

Proceedings of CHI 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (749 / 2844)

HulaMove: Using Commodity IMU for Waist Interaction

Xuhai Xu, Jiahao Li, Tianyi Yuan, Liang He, Yunkang Yan, Xin Liu, Yuntao Wang, Yuanchun Shi, Jennifer Mankoff, Anind K. Dey

Proceedings of CHI 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (749 / 2844)


HoloSound: Combining Speech and Sound Identification for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Users on a Head-mounted Display

Greg Guo, Robin Yiru Yang, Johnson Kuang, Xue Bin, Dhruv Jain, Steven Goodman, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2020

Navigating Graduate School with a Disability: A Trio-Ethnography

Dhruv Jain, Venkatesh Potluri, Ather Sharif

Proceedings of ASSETS 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 27.5% (46 / 167) | Best Paper Nominee

SoundWatch: Exploring Smartwatch-based Deep Learning Approaches to Support Sound Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Hung Ngo, Pratyush Patel, Steven Goodman, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 27.5% (46 / 167) | Best Artifact Award

Urban Accessibility as a Socio-Political Problem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis

Manaswi Saha, Devanshi Chauhan, Siddhant Patil, Rachel Kangas, Jeffrey Heer, Jon E. Froehlich

CSCW 2020

Sidewalk Accessibility in the US and Mexico: Policies, Tools, and A Preliminary Case Study

Jon E. Froehlich, Mikey Saugstad, Edgar Martínez, Rebeca de Buen Kalman

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Civic Tech 2020

Towards Mapping and Assessing Sidewalk Accessibility Across Socio-cultural and Geographic Contexts

Jon E. Froehlich, Mikey Saugstad, Manaswi Saha, Matthew Johnson

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Data4Good 2020

Field Study of a Tactile Sound Awareness Device for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Brendon Chiu, Steven Goodman, Chris Schmandt, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ISWC 2020

Augmented Reality Systems and User Interaction Techniques for Stem Learning

Seokbin Kang

UMD CS PhD Dissertation 2020

HomeSound: An Iterative Field Deployment of an In-Home Sound Awareness System for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Kelly Mack, Akli Amrous, Steven Goodman, Matt Wright, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 24.3% (760 / 3126)

Involving End-Users in HCI Education: A Case Study and Steps Forward

Wendy Roldan, Jon E. Froehlich, Jason Yip

Extended Abstract Proceedings of EduCHI 2020

PneuFetch: Supporting Blind and Visually Impaired People to Fetch Nearby Objects via Light Haptic Cues

Liang He, Ruolin Wang, Xuhai Xu

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 41.8% (323 / 772)

Evaluating Smartwatch-based Sound Feedback for Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Users Across Contexts

Steven Goodman, Susanne Kirchner, Rose Guttman, Dhruv Jain, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of CHI 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 24.3% (760 / 3126)

ARMath: Augmenting Everyday Life with Math Learning

Seokbin Kang, Ekta Shokeen, Virginia Byrne, Leyla Norooz, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Caro Williams-Pierce, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 24.3% (760 / 3126)

Opportunities and Challenges in Involving Users in Project-Based HCI Education

Wendy Roldan, Xin Gao, Allison Marie Hishikawa, Tiffany Ku, Ziyue Li, Echo Zhang, Jon E. Froehlich, Jason Yip

Proceedings of CHI 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 24.3% (760 / 3126) | Honorable Mention

Organizing Family Support Services at ACM Conferences

Audrey Girouard, Jon E. Froehlich, Regan Mandryk, Mark Hancock

Communications of the ACM 2020

Interactive Computational Tools for Assessing and Understanding Urban Accessibility At Scale

Manaswi Saha

SIGACCESS Newsletter 2020


Autoethnography of a Hard of Hearing Traveler

Dhruv Jain, Audrey Desjardins, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 25.9% (41 / 158) | Best Paper Nominee

Deep Learning for Automatically Detecting Sidewalk Accessibility Problems Using Streetscape Imagery

Galen Weld, Esther Jang, Anthony Li, Aileen Zeng, Kurtis Heimerl, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 25.9% (41 / 158) | Best Paper Award

AI-Assisted UI Design for Blind and Low-Vision Creators

Venkatesh Potluri, Tad Grindeland, Jon E. Froehlich, Jennifer Mankoff

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS'19 Workshop: AI Fairness for People with Disabilities 2019

Ondulé: Designing and Controlling 3D Printable Springs

Liang He, Huaishu Peng, Michelle Lin, Ravi Konjeti, François Guimbretière, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of UIST 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 24.4% (93 / 381)

A Multi-Modal Approach for Blind and Visually Impaired Developers to Edit Webpage Designs

Venkatesh Potluri, Liang He, Christine Chen, Jon E. Froehlich, Jennifer Mankoff

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 58.8% (57 / 97)

Social Tensions with Head-Mounted Displays for Accessibility

Steven Goodman, Dhruv Jain, Jon E. Froehlich, Brock Craft, Leah Findlater

Extended Abstract Proceedings of SHMD 2019

Project Sidewalk: A Web-based Crowdsourcing Tool for Collecting Sidewalk Accessibility Data at Scale

Manaswi Saha, Mikey Saugstad, Teja Maddali, Aileen Zeng, Ryan Holland, Steven Bower, Aditya Dash, Sage Chen, Anthony Li, Kotaro Hara, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.8% (705 / 2960) | Best Paper Award

Thermporal: An Easy-to-Deploy Temporal Thermographic Sensor System to Support Residential Energy Audits

Matthew L Mauriello, Brenna McNally, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.8% (705 / 2960)

Exploring Sound Awareness in the Home for People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Dhruv Jain, Angela Carey Lin, Marcus Amalachandran, Aileen Zeng, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.7% (701 / 2960)

Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Individuals’ Preferences for Wearable and Mobile Sound Awareness Technologies

Leah Findlater, Bonnie Chinh, Dhruv Jain, Jon E. Froehlich, Raja Kushalnagar, Angela Carey Lin

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.8% (705 / 2960)

Anchored Audio Sampling: A Seamless Method for Exploring Children's Thoughts During Deployment Studies

Alexis Hiniker, Jon E. Froehlich, Mingrui Zhang, Erin Beneteau

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.8% (705 / 2960) | Best Paper Award

Grand challenges in accessible maps

Jon E. Froehlich, Anke Brock, Anat Caspi, Joao Guerreiro, Kotaro Hara, Reuben Kirkham, Johannes Schoning, Benjamin Tannert

Interactions 2019


Towards Accessible Conversations in a Mobile Context for People who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Dhruv Jain, Rachel Franz, Leah Findlater, Jackson Cannon, Raja Kushalnagar, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2018 | Acceptance Rate: 25.9% (28 / 108)

Design of an Augmented Reality Magnification Aid for Low Vision Users

Lee Stearns, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2018

Applying Transfer Learning to Recognize Clothing Patterns Using a Finger-Mounted Camera

Lee Stearns, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2018 | Acceptance Rate: 58.3% (42 / 72)

Interactively Modeling and Visualizing Neighborhood Accessibility at Scale: An Initial Study of Washington DC

Anthony Li, Manaswi Saha, Anupam Gupta, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2018

A Feasibility Study of Using Google Street View and Computer Vision to Track the Evolution of Urban Accessibility

Ladan Najafizadeh, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2018

A Large-Scale Analysis of YouTube Videos Depicting Everyday Thermal Camera Use

Matthew L Mauriello, Brenna McNally, Cody Buntain, Sapna Bagalkotkar, Samuel Kushnir, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of MobileHCI 2018

Designing and Evaluating Next-Generation Thermographic Systems to Support Residential Energy Audits

Matthew L Mauriello

UMD CS PhD Dissertation 2018

HandSight: A Touch-Based Wearable System to Increase Information Accessibility for People with Visual Impairments

Lee Stearns

UMD CS PhD Dissertation 2018

Scaffolding Authentic Wearable-­Based Scientific Inquiry for Early Elementary Learners

Virginia Byrne, Seokbin Kang, Leyla Norooz, Rafael Antonio Velez, Monica Katzen, Afe Addeh, Jon E. Froehlich, Tamara L. Clegg

Proceedings of ICLS 2018

Physiological Investigations with Live Physiological Sensing and Visualization Tools

Tamara L. Clegg, Virginia Byrne, Leyla Norooz, Seokbin Kang, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ICLS 2018

Exploring Augmented Reality Approaches to Real-Time Captioning: A Preliminary Autoethnographic Study

Dhruv Jain, Bonnie Chinh, Raja Kushalnagar, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of DIS 2018

SIG: Making Maps Accessible and Putting Accessibility in Maps

Anke Brock, Jon E. Froehlich, Joao Guerreiro, Benjamin Tannert, Anat Caspi, Johannes Schoning, Steve Landau

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI 2018

Prototyping and Simulating Complex Systems with Paper Craft and Augmented Reality: An Initial Investigation

Seokbin Kang, Leyla Norooz, Virginia Byrne, Tamara L. Clegg, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of TEI 2018


TouchCam: Realtime Recognition of Location-Specific On-Body Gestures to Support Users with Visual Impairments

Lee Stearns, Uran Oh, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

ACM IMWUT December 2017

Augmented Reality Magnification for Low Vision Users with the Microsoft Hololens and a Finger-Worn Camera

Lee Stearns, Victor De Souza, Jessica Yin, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2017

Evaluating Wrist-Based Haptic Feedback for Non-Visual Target Finding and Path Tracing on a 2D Surface

Jonggi Hong, Alisha Pradhan, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of ASSETS 2017 | Acceptance Rate: 26.2% (33 / 126)

TacTILE: A Preliminary Toolchain for Creating Accessible Graphics with 3D-Printed Overlays and Auditory Annotations

Liang He, Zijian Wan, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2017

Investigating Microinteractions for People With Visual Impairments and the Potential Role of on-Body Interaction

Uran Oh, Lee Stearns, Alisha Pradhan, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of ASSETS 2017 | Acceptance Rate: 26.2% (33 / 126)

Recognizing Clothing Colors and Visual Textures Using a Finger-Mounted Camera: An Initial Investigation

Alexander Medeiros, Lee Stearns, Leah Findlater, Chuan Chen, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2017

A Temporal Thermography System for Supporting Longitudinal Building Energy Audits

Matthew L Mauriello, Jamie H Gilkeson, Noa Chazan, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Ubicomp 2017

Scalable Methods and Tools to Support Thermographic Data Collection and Analysis for Energy Audits

Matthew L Mauriello

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ACM Ubicomp 2017 Doctoral Colloquium 2017

MakerWear: A Tangible Construction Kit for Young Children to Create Interactive Wearables

Majeed Kazemitabaar

UMD CS MS Thesis 2017

Early Explorations of Deformable Interactive Designs with 3D-Printed Springs

Liang He, Joshua Land, Huaishu Peng, Mark Fuge, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Symposium on Computational Fabrication 2017

Comparing Touchscreen and Mouse Input Performance by People With and Without Upper Body Motor Impairments

Leah Findlater, Karyn Moffatt, Jon E. Froehlich, Meethu Malu, Joan Zhang

Proceedings of CHI 2017 | Acceptance Rate: 25.0% (606 / 2424)

Differences in Crowdsourced vs. Lab-based Mobile and Desktop Input Performance Data

Leah Findlater, Joan Zhang, Jon E. Froehlich, Karyn Moffatt

Proceedings of CHI 2017 | Acceptance Rate: 25.0% (606 / 2424)

Exploring Novice Approaches to Smartphone-based Thermographic Energy Auditing: A Field Study

Matthew L Mauriello, Manaswi Saha, Erica Brown, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2017 | Acceptance Rate: 25.0% (606 / 2424)

MakerWear: A Tangible Approach to Interactive Wearable Creation for Children

Majeed Kazemitabaar, Jason McPeak, Alex Jiao, Liang He, Thomas Outing, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2017 | Best Paper Award

SqueezaPulse: Adding Interactive Input to Fabricated Objects Using Corrugated Tubes and Air Pulses

Liang He, Gierad Laput, Eric Brockmeyer, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of TEI'17 2017


Scalable Methods to Collect and Visualize Sidewalk Accessibility Data for People with Mobility Impairments

Kotaro Hara

UMD CS PhD Dissertation 2016

Temporal Tracking Urban Areas using Google Street View

Ladan Najafizadeh

UMD CS MS Thesis 2016

Localization of Skin Features on the Hand and Wrist From Small Image Patches

Lee Stearns, Uran Oh, Bridget Cheng, Leah Findlater, David Ross, Rama Chellappa, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ICPR 2016

Evaluating Haptic and Auditory Directional Guidance to Assist Blind People in Reading Printed Text Using Finger-Mounted Cameras

Lee Stearns, Ruofei Du, Uran Oh, Catherine Jou, Leah Findlater, David Ross, Jon E. Froehlich

ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 2016

“That's Your Heart!”: Live Physiological Sensing & Visualization Tools for Life-Relevant & Collaborative STEM Learning

Leyla Norooz, Tamara L. Clegg, Seokbin Kang, Angelisa Plane, Vanessa Oguamanam, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ICLS 2016

SharedPhys: Live Physiological Sensing, Whole-Body Interaction, and Large-Screen Visualizations to Support Shared Inquiry Experiences

Seokbin Kang, Leyla Norooz, Vanessa Oguamanam, Angelisa Plane, Tamara L. Clegg, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of IDC 2016

Evaluating Angular Accuracy of Wrist-based Haptic Directional Guidance for Hand Movement

Jonggi Hong, Lee Stearns, Tony Cheng, Jon E. Froehlich, David Ross, Leah Findlater

Proceedings of GI 2016 | Acceptance Rate: 39.4% (13 / 33)

ReWear: Early Explorations of a Modular Wearable Construction Kit for Young Children

Majeed Kazemitabaar, Liang He, Katie Wang, Chloe Aloimonos, Tony Cheng, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of CHI 2016 | Best Paper Award

The Future Role of Thermography in Human-Building Interaction

Matthew L Mauriello, Matthew Dahlhausen, Erica Brown, Manaswi Saha, Jon E. Froehlich

CHI 2016 Workshop: Future of Human-Building Interaction 2016

The Design of Assistive Location-based Technologies for People with Ambulatory Disabilities: A Formative Study

Kotaro Hara, Christine Chan, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2016 | Acceptance Rate: 25.0% (600 / 2400)


Supporting Everyday Activities for Persons with Visual Impairments Through Computer Vision-Augmented Touch

Leah Findlater, Lee Stearns, Ruofei Du, Uran Oh, David Ross, Rama Chellappa, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2015

Characterizing and Visualizing Physical World Accessibility at Scale Using Crowdsourcing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning

Kotaro Hara, Jon E. Froehlich

SIGACCESS Newsletter '15 2015

MakerShoe: Towards an E-Textile Construction Kit to Support Creativity, Playful Making, and Self-Expression

Majeed Kazemitabaar, Leyla Norooz, Mona Leigh Guha, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Extended Abstracts of IDC 2015

Pixel: A Tool for Creative Design with Physical Materials and Computation

Michael Gubbels

UMD iSchool MS Thesis 2015

BodyVis: A New Approach to Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization

Leyla Norooz, Matthew L Mauriello, Anita Jorgensen, Brenna McNally, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2015 | Honorable Mention

"I Like This Shirt": Exploring the Translation of Social Mechanisms in the Virtual World into Physical Experiences

Jon E. Froehlich, Seokbin Kang, Ladan Najafizadeh

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI '15 Extended Abstracts 2015

Head-Mounted Display Visualizations to Support Sound Awareness for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Dhruv Jain, Leah Findlater, Jamie H Gilkeson, Benjamin Holland, Ramani Duraiswami, Dmitry Zotkin, Christian Vogler, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2015

Understanding the Role of Thermography in Energy Auditing: Current Practices and the Potential for Automated Solutions

Matthew L Mauriello, Leyla Norooz, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2015 | Honorable Mention

AtmoSPHERE: Representing Space and Movement Using Sand Traces in an Interactive Zen Garden

Ruofei Du, Kent Wills, Max Potasznik, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI '15 Extended Abstracts 2015

Improving Public Transit Accessibility for Blind Riders by Crowdsourcing Bus Stop Landmark Locations with Google Street View: An Extended Analysis

Kotaro Hara, Shiri Azenkot, Megan Campbell, Cynthia Bennett, Sean Pannella, Robert Moore, Kelly Minckler, Rochelle Ng, Jon E. Froehlich


Gamifying Green: Gamification and Environmental Sustainability

Jon E. Froehlich

The Gameful World 2015


Scalable methods to collect and visualize sidewalk accessibility data for people with mobility impairments

Kotaro Hara

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UIST 2014

Tohme: Detecting Curb Ramps in Google Street View Using Crowdsourcing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning

Kotaro Hara, Jin Sun, Robert Moore, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of UIST 2014

Disasters in Personal Informatics: The Unpublished Stories of Failure and Lessons Learned

Jon E. Froehlich, Matthew Kay, Jakob Eg Larsen, Edison Thomaz

UbiComp2014 Workshop: Disasters in Personal Informatics: The Unpublished Stories of Failure and Lessons Learned 2014

Towards Automated Thermal Profiling of Buildings at Scale Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and 3D-Reconstruction

Matthew L Mauriello, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UbiComp 2014

Physically Computing Physical Computing: Creative Tools for Building with Physical Materials and Computation

Michael Gubbels, Jon E. Froehlich

IDC '14 Extended Abstracts 2014

BodyVis: Body Learning Through Wearable Sensing and Visualization

Leyla Norooz

UMD iSchool MS Thesis 2014

Social Fabric Fitness: The Design and Evaluation of Wearable E-Textile Displays to Support Group Running

Matthew L Mauriello, Michael Gubbels, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2014


An Initial Study of Automatic Curb Ramp Detection with Crowdsourced Verification using Google Street View Images

Kotaro Hara, Jin Sun, Noa Chazan, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of HCOMP 2013

Surveying the Accessibility of Touchscreen Games for Persons with Motor Impairments: A Preliminary Analysis

Yoojin Kim, Nitaben Sutreja, Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2013

Improving Public Transit Accessibility for Blind Riders by Crowdsourcing Bus Stop Landmark Locations with Google Street View

Kotaro Hara, Shiri Azenkot, Megan Campbell, Cynthia Bennett, Sean Pannella, Robert Moore, Kelly Minckler, Rochelle Ng, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2013 | Best Paper Award

Exploring Early Designs for Teaching Anatomy and Physiology to Children Using Wearable E-Textiles

Leyla Norooz, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of IDC '13 Extended Abstracts 2013

Exploring Early Solutions for Automatically Identifying Inaccessible Sidewalks in the Physical World using Google Street View

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jin Sun, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

HCIC2013 Workshop 2013

Combining Crowdsourcing and Google Street View to Identify Street-level Accessibility Problems

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2013

Mind the Theoretical Gap: Interpreting, Using, and Developing Behavioral Theory in HCI Research

Eric Hekler, Predrag Klasnja, Jon E. Froehlich, Matthew Buman

Proceedings of CHI 2013 | Best Paper Award

Age-Related Differences in Performance with Touchscreens Compared to Traditional Mouse Input

Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich, Kays Fattal, Jacob Wobbrock, Tanya Dastyar

Proceedings of CHI 2013 | Honorable Mention

Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness

Ian Li, Jon E. Froehlich, Jakob Eg Larsen, Catherine Grevet, Ernesto Ramirez

CHI2013 Workshop: Personal Informatics in the Wild: Hacking Habits for Health & Happiness 2013

Bear-With-Me: An Embodied Prototype to Explore Tangible Two-Way Exchanges of Emotional Language

Allan Fong, Zahra Ashktorab, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI '13 Extended Abstracts 2013


Individuals Among Commuters: Building Personalised Transport Information Services from Fare Collection Systems

Neal Lathia, Chris Smith, Jon E. Froehlich, Licia Capra

Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC) 2012

A feasibility study of crowdsourcing and google street view to determine sidewalk accessibility

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2012

The Design and Evaluation of Prototype Eco-Feedback Displays for Fixture-Level Water Usage Data

Jon E. Froehlich, Leah Findlater, Marilyn Ostergren, Solai Ramanathan, Josh Peterson, Inness Wragg, Eric Larson, Fabia Fu, Mazhengmin Bai, Shwetak Patel, James Landay

Proceedings of CHI 2012 | Honorable Mention

Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data

Ian Li, Yevgeniy Medynskiy, Jon E. Froehlich, Jakob Eg Larsen

CHI2012 Workshop: Personal Informatics in Practice: Improving Quality of Life Through Data 2012