Project Description

Roughly 30.6 million individuals in the US have physical disabilities that affect their ambulatory activities; nearly half of those individuals report using an assistive aid such as a wheelchair, cane, crutches, or walker. Despite comprehensive civil rights legislation for Americans with disabilities, many city streets, sidewalks, and businesses remain inaccessible. The problem is not just that street-level accessibility affects where and how people travel in cities but also that there are few, if any, mechanisms to determine accessible areas of a city a priori.

This project describes a two-pronged vision: first, to develop scalable data collection methods for acquiring sidewalk accessibility information using a combination of crowdsourcing, computer vision, and online map imagery, and second, to use this new data to design, develop, and evaluate a novel set of navigation and map tools for accessibility. Our overarching goal is to transform the ways in which accessibility information is collected and visualized for every sidewalk, street, and building façade in America.


Accessibility for Whom? Perceptions of Mobility Barriers Across Disability Groups and Implications for Designing Personalized Maps

Chu Li, Rock Pang, Delphine Labbé, Yochai Eisenberg, Maryam Hosseini, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2025 To Appear

Towards Fine-Grained Sidewalk Accessibility Assessment with Deep Learning: Initial Benchmarks and an Open Dataset

Alex Liu, Kevin Wu, Minchu Kulkarni, Mikey Saugstad, Peyton Rapo, Jeremy Freiburger, Maryam Hosseini, Chu Li, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 66.7% (58 / 87)

“I never realized sidewalks were a big deal”: A Case Study of a Community-Driven Sidewalk Audit Using Project Sidewalk

Chu Li, Katrina Ma, Mikey Saugstad, Kie Fujii, Molly Delany, Yochai Eisenberg, Delphine Labbé, Judy L. Shanley, Devon Snyder, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2024 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (1060 / 4028)

Implementing a Community-Based Virtual Tool To Characterize Sidewalk Accessibility in a Northern New Jersey (NJ) Town

Kie Fujii, Katrina Ma, Chu Li, Mikey Saugstad, Lisa Stolarz, Michael Starr, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASCIP 2023 Annual Meeting 2023

Implementing a Community-Based Virtual Tool To Characterize Sidewalk Accessibility in a Northern New Jersey (NJ) Town

Kie Fujii, Katrina Ma, Chu Li, Mikey Saugstad, Michael Starr, Lisa Stolarz, Florian P. Thomas, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CMSC 2023 Annual Meeting 2023

Participatory Design of Crowd+AI Tools to Map, Analyze, and Visualize Sidewalk Accessibility

Yochai Eisenberg, Delphine Labbé, Sierra Berquist, Judy L. Shanley, Joy Hammel, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of TRANSED 2022

Designing Interactive Data-Driven Tools for Understanding Urban Accessibility at Scale

Manaswi Saha

UW CS PhD Dissertation 2022

Towards Global-Scale Crowd+AI Techniques to Map and Assess Sidewalks for People with Disabilities

Maryam Hosseini, Mikey Saugstad, Fabio Miranda, Andres Sevtsuk, Cláudio T. Silva, Jon E. Froehlich

CVPR2022 Workshop: Accessibility, Vision, and Autonomy (AVA) 2022

Sidewalk Gallery: An Interactive, Filterable Image Gallery of Over 500,000 Sidewalk Accessibility Problems

Michael Duan, Aroosh Kumar, Mikey Saugstad, Aileen Zeng, Ilia Savin, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 61.8% (55 / 89) | Best Artifact Runner-up Award

Experimental Crowd+AI Approaches to Track Accessibility Features in Sidewalk Intersections Over Time

Ather Sharif, Paari Gopal, Mikey Saugstad, Shiven Bhatt, Raymond Fok, Galen Weld, Kavi Dey, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 61.8% (55 / 89)

Urban Accessibility as a Socio-Political Problem: A Multi-Stakeholder Analysis

Manaswi Saha, Devanshi Chauhan, Siddhant Patil, Rachel Kangas, Jeffrey Heer, Jon E. Froehlich

CSCW 2020

Sidewalk Accessibility in the US and Mexico: Policies, Tools, and A Preliminary Case Study

Jon E. Froehlich, Mikey Saugstad, Edgar Martínez, Rebeca de Buen Kalman

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Civic Tech 2020

Towards Mapping and Assessing Sidewalk Accessibility Across Socio-cultural and Geographic Contexts

Jon E. Froehlich, Mikey Saugstad, Manaswi Saha, Matthew Johnson

Extended Abstract Proceedings of Data4Good 2020

Interactive Computational Tools for Assessing and Understanding Urban Accessibility At Scale

Manaswi Saha

SIGACCESS Newsletter 2020

Deep Learning for Automatically Detecting Sidewalk Accessibility Problems Using Streetscape Imagery

Galen Weld, Esther Jang, Anthony Li, Aileen Zeng, Kurtis Heimerl, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 25.9% (41 / 158) | Best Paper Award

Project Sidewalk: A Web-based Crowdsourcing Tool for Collecting Sidewalk Accessibility Data at Scale

Manaswi Saha, Mikey Saugstad, Teja Maddali, Aileen Zeng, Ryan Holland, Steven Bower, Aditya Dash, Sage Chen, Anthony Li, Kotaro Hara, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2019 | Acceptance Rate: 23.8% (705 / 2960) | Best Paper Award

Grand challenges in accessible maps

Jon E. Froehlich, Anke Brock, Anat Caspi, Joao Guerreiro, Kotaro Hara, Reuben Kirkham, Johannes Schoning, Benjamin Tannert

Interactions 2019

Interactively Modeling and Visualizing Neighborhood Accessibility at Scale: An Initial Study of Washington DC

Anthony Li, Manaswi Saha, Anupam Gupta, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2018

A Feasibility Study of Using Google Street View and Computer Vision to Track the Evolution of Urban Accessibility

Ladan Najafizadeh, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2018

SIG: Making Maps Accessible and Putting Accessibility in Maps

Anke Brock, Jon E. Froehlich, Joao Guerreiro, Benjamin Tannert, Anat Caspi, Johannes Schoning, Steve Landau

Extended Abstract Proceedings of CHI 2018

Scalable Methods to Collect and Visualize Sidewalk Accessibility Data for People with Mobility Impairments

Kotaro Hara

UMD CS PhD Dissertation 2016

Temporal Tracking Urban Areas using Google Street View

Ladan Najafizadeh

UMD CS MS Thesis 2016

The Design of Assistive Location-based Technologies for People with Ambulatory Disabilities: A Formative Study

Kotaro Hara, Christine Chan, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2016 | Acceptance Rate: 25.0% (600 / 2400)

Characterizing and Visualizing Physical World Accessibility at Scale Using Crowdsourcing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning

Kotaro Hara, Jon E. Froehlich

SIGACCESS Newsletter '15 2015

Scalable methods to collect and visualize sidewalk accessibility data for people with mobility impairments

Kotaro Hara

Extended Abstract Proceedings of UIST 2014

Tohme: Detecting Curb Ramps in Google Street View Using Crowdsourcing, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning

Kotaro Hara, Jin Sun, Robert Moore, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of UIST 2014

An Initial Study of Automatic Curb Ramp Detection with Crowdsourced Verification using Google Street View Images

Kotaro Hara, Jin Sun, Noa Chazan, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of HCOMP 2013

Exploring Early Solutions for Automatically Identifying Inaccessible Sidewalks in the Physical World using Google Street View

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jin Sun, David Jacobs, Jon E. Froehlich

HCIC2013 Workshop 2013

Combining Crowdsourcing and Google Street View to Identify Street-level Accessibility Problems

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2013

A feasibility study of crowdsourcing and google street view to determine sidewalk accessibility

Kotaro Hara, Victoria Le, Jon E. Froehlich

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS 2012


Project Sidewalk: Crowd+AI Techniques to Map and Assess Every Sidewalk in the World

Project Sidewalk: Crowd+AI Techniques to Map & Assess the World's Sidewalks

Don't Forget about the Sidewalk: The Role of Mobility Management and Coordination

Project Sidewalk Chi Hack Night


Project Sidewalk: Crowd+AI Techniques to Map & Assess the World's Sidewalks

Feb. 29, 2024 | NSF Smart and Connected Communities Panel on “Pathways to Transitioning Project Outcomes"

Nashville, Tennessee

Jon E. Froehlich

Scalable Techniques to Study the Equitable Distribution and Condition of US Sidewalks

Dec. 14, 2022 | ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems)

Tacoma, Washington

Chu Li

Making with a Social Purpose

Oct. 13, 2017 | DUB Retreat

University of Washington, Seattle

Jon E. Froehlich

Making with a Social Purpose

June 7, 2017 | UMD CS Staff Talk

University of Maryland, College Park

Jon E. Froehlich

Making with a Social Purpose

April 13, 2017 | HCDE Invited Talk

University of Washington, Seattle

Jon E. Froehlich

Making With a Social Purpose

April 11, 2017 | UW CSE Colloquium

University of Washington, Seattle

Jon E. Froehlich

Making with a Social Purpose

April 6, 2017 | Lecture Series at the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences

LTS Auditorium, College Park, MD

Jon E. Froehlich

Interactive Computational Tools for Accessibility

Nov. 7, 2016 | Diversity in Computing Summit 2016

College Park, Maryland

Uran Oh, Ladan Najafizadeh, Meethu Malu, Manaswi Saha, Lee Stearns

Tech+Design: Interaction Design for a Purpose

Nov. 3, 2016 | Technica: Tech+X Talk Series

University of Maryland, College Park

Soheil Behnezhad, Majeed Kazemitabaar, Manaswi Saha, Liang He

Characterizing Physical World Accessibility at Scale

Nov. 3, 2016 | GroupSight @ HCOMP2016

Austin, Texas

Kotaro Hara