Hung Ngo

Hung Ngo

Undergrad, Computer Science
University of Washington
Hung Ngo was a Undergrad in the Makeability Lab for 9.1 months (Nov 2019 to Aug 2020). Hung contributed to a project called SoundWatch as well as 3 publications. Hung was mentored by Dhruv Jain, and.
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2018 – 2022


SoundWatch: deep learning for sound accessibility on smartwatches

Dhruv Jain, Hung Ngo, Pratyush Patel, Steven Goodman, Khoa Nguyen, Rachel Grossman-Kahn, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

CACM 2022

ProtoSound: A Personalized and Scalable Sound Recognition System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Khoa Nguyen, Steven Goodman, Rachel Grossman-Kahn, Hung Ngo, Aditya Kusupati, Ruofei Du, Alex Olwal, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of CHI 2022 | Acceptance Rate: 404.9% (2579 / 637)

SoundWatch: Exploring Smartwatch-based Deep Learning Approaches to Support Sound Awareness for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users

Dhruv Jain, Hung Ngo, Pratyush Patel, Steven Goodman, Leah Findlater, Jon E. Froehlich

Proceedings of ASSETS 2020 | Acceptance Rate: 27.5% (46 / 167) | Best Artifact Award


ProtoSound: A Personalized and Scalable Sound Recognition System for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Users