Makeability Lab Summer 2018 Interns!

Makeability lab group photo outdoors

We’re so excited to be here for the summer! This is a great opportunity for all of us to gain new experience, collaborate with others on projects, and learn more about impactful research in human-computer interaction.

Here’s a little more about us:

Aileen: Hello! I’m going to be a rising sophomore studying computer science at University of Washington. I’m working part-time on the Makeability Lab website and on Project Sidewalk with Mikey. Being part of the Makeability Lab has been such a inspiring, fun, and eye-opening experience. Outside of lab, I also like to run, bike, and jump into lakes.

Angela: Hi everyone! I’m Angela, a rising Freshman at UPenn pursuing a dual degree in business and engineering. I’m currently working on a project developing ambient sound sensing and awareness for deaf and hard of hearing individuals with Dhruv Jain. In addition to being a big film and tech enthusiast, I enjoy spending time outdoors, running, and playing the piano!

Johnson: Shiven: Hey, I’m Shiven, a rising senior at Redmond High. Currently working on the Makelab website. Working in the lab is awesome - I learned a lot. In my free time, I like to play the piano.

Sonika: Hey there! I’m a rising senior at Tesla STEM High School, currently working on a project in assistive technology. I’ve always been interested in computer science, and being an intern at the lab has taught me so much. In my spare time, I love to listen to music, write poetry, and bike on scenic trails.