Venkatesh Passes PhD Generals Exam


Congrats to Venkatesh Potluri on passing his PhD General Exam on Accessibility of Expert Programming Domains for Blind and Visually Impaired Developers. Potluri's work advances the field of programming tools for blind and low-vision developers and, specifically, introduces multiple new tools, including: 

(1) CodeWalk: a set of features integrated into Microsoft's VS Code LiveShare to make collaborative code editing and walkthroughs accessible, (2) UITap: a set of interaction techniques that demonstrate approaches to make user interface development accessible, and (3) PSST: a data sonification toolkit that gives BVI developers the tools to understand data generated by sensors used in physical computing.

Congrats Venkatesh.

The supervisory committee included: Jennifer Mankoff (Chair), Amy Ko (GSR, Information School), myself, and Shaun K. Kane (Google/Colorado)

The PhD supervisory committee and Venkatesh