Prototyping Interactive Systems with AI Gameplay Showcase


CSE493F Prototyping Interactive Systems with AI is a senior-level CSE course (4 credits) created by Professor Jon E. Froehlich, which is focused on techniques to rapidly prototype novel digital-physical systems using craft, computation, and electronics. Using project-based learning, we rapidly tour through a variety of prototyping methods to explore the intersection of bits and atoms, including prototyping through code, electronic prototyping, lo-fi craft, and digital fabrication using 3D printers and laser cutters.

Throughout the term, ProtoAI students work in teams of 3-4 to design a new multiplayer social impact game using AI. The course project culminates in a gameplay showcase at the end of the term. We just finished the showcase and it was fantastic! I was so impressed with the variety and creativity of games from a custom built claw machine to learning about sidewalk inaccessibility by wheeling virtually around a city.

Congrats to the audience voted Best Game Overall: Space Invaders (but not that one) by Juliette Park, Marco Dani, Ritesh Kanchi, and Ryan Le.

An advertisement for the CSE493F gameplay showcase