Tad Grindeland

Tad Grindeland

Undergrad, Computer Science
University of Washington
Tad Grindeland was a Undergrad in the Makeability Lab for 9.5 months (Jan 2019 to Oct 2019). Tad contributed to as well as 2 publications. Tad was mentored by Venkatesh Potluri, and.
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Examining Visual Semantic Understanding in Blind and Low-Vision Technology Users

Venkatesh Potluri, Tad Grindeland, Jon E. Froehlich, Jennifer Mankoff

Proceedings of CHI 2021 | Acceptance Rate: 26.3% (749 / 2844)

AI-Assisted UI Design for Blind and Low-Vision Creators

Venkatesh Potluri, Tad Grindeland, Jon E. Froehlich, Jennifer Mankoff

Extended Abstract Proceedings of ASSETS'19 Workshop: AI Fairness for People with Disabilities 2019